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How To: Chassis Fuel Line Kit How To: Chassis Inspection Plate
How To: Six Shooter Clutch Adjuster LED Tail Lights
  • How To: Chassis Fuel Line Kit

    Chassis Fuel Line Kit Install
    by Pete Skiba10/6/24

    Related: Curated Tool List | PDF Version | Six Shooter Clutch Adjuster Install | Seat Belt Anchor Install
    For the record, you might have experience of installing a product similar to this, but you don’t have experience installing this one. So read the guide, understand the guide, and you will have an amazing installation experience along with a great user experience.

    As of 2024, the PROs have four kits available depending on your needed options. This installation will cover all of them. For this install guide, we will assume the vehicle is complete.

    1. Disconnect the battery.
    2. Pop the front hood and remove the gauge sender wires/cables/vent lines from the tank.
    3. Pitch the tank forward, locate the outlet, and clamp the line so you can undo the hose clamp. Remove the line from the chassis hardline connection and lift the tank out of the car.
  • How To: Chassis Inspection Plate

    Chassis Inspection Plate Install
    by Pete Skiba 12/25/23

    Related: Curated Tool List | PDF Version | Six Shooter Clutch Adjuster Install | Seat Belt Anchor Install

    Our goal is to make the install a breeze. Please read the entire guide. If you have a tech question, you can text us here.

    Being thorough during a chassis build, even a clutch cable tube. One common place where the clutch tube breaks away from the tunnel brackets is on the opposite side of the pedal assembly. For years, cutting a hole with a hole saw, cutting three sides of a square, and prying it out only to be hammered in and hidden by a carpet kit were standard everyday practices to fix that area. But now, Airkewld has created a kit that will do a clean job and allow simple clutch cable and tube maintenance.

    1. It would help if you got to the tunnel on the opposite side of the pedal assembly. If you are starting with just the chassis, this is easy. If you are working with a completed car, you must either remove or pull the carpet back enough to get to the location.
  • How To: Six Shooter Clutch Adjuster

    Six Shooter Clutch Adjuster Install
    by Pete Skiba 7/18/23

    Related: Curated Tool List | PDF Version | Chassis Inspection Plate Install | Seat Belt Anchor Install

    Our goal is to make the install a breeze. Please read the entire guide. Any time you see a πŸ”§ that tool is available on our Amazon tool page. If you have a tech question, you can text us here.

    Proper maintenance of the clutch cable is crucial in the actual installation of the Six Shooter.

    1. Loosen the lug nuts on the left rear wheel 1/4 turn before jacking the vehicle up.
    2. Jack πŸ”§ up the rear of the vehicle and place stands πŸ”§ underneath the chassis.
    3. Remove the wheel and place it under the chassis as a fail-safe.
    4. Locate the clutch lever on the transaxle with a cable and factory wing nut.
    5. Spray WD40 πŸ”§ on the cable and remove the wing nut.
    6. Inspect the cable. You need to clean the cable if the threads are full of dirt and grime. There are a couple of different ways to do this. Use a wire brush πŸ”§ and a cleaning solution, or use a 7mm x 1.0 thread chaser πŸ”§ .

Stainless Steel Hardline Installation - Fuel Lines - PDF - Link