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Classic VW Chassis Fuel Line Kit - AN Braided Soft Lines with Filter - 8086

Classic VW Chassis Fuel Line Kit - AN Braided Soft Lines with Filter 8086
List Price $418.74
Airkewld Army Price $334.99 per Kit

Quantity in Stock:9

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Availability:: Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
PART #: 8086

The Classic Volkswagen has a copper 6mm fuel line that runs the length of the chassis and utilizes rubber or braided rubber soft lines to connect the copper line to the gas tank. To the rear of the vehicle, the copper line connects to another soft line up to the engine tin. All these connections require the use of hose clamps that can fail along with rubber lines that can get hard and crack, ultimately causing a fire.

The PRO's at Airkewld have come up with a solution to replace everything to a much more modern system. This system will change out the gas tank fitting to -6AN, update the fitting connection to a 90 degree swivel to a soft line, another 90 degree swivel fitting to a 40 micron fuel filter, another 90 degree swivel to a soft, -6AN (3/8") braided line through the chassis to the other end and connects to the Airkewld Hardline System.

We have two other kits that include options of the electric fuel pump and deluxe kit featuring a wiring kit, brackets, isolator's, and fuel pump block off.

Made in the USA | Product updated 4/22/24 by Pete

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Typical time to install - 2 Hours | Install PDF Link | Install Video |
Tools Needed

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Airkewld Army Price $279.99 per Kit

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Airkewld Army Price $279.99 per Kit

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Airkewld Army Price $279.99 per Kit

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